Durians are excessively malodorous such that a few pieces of Southeast Asia are prohibited from lodgings and major public transport. The colloquialism goes, “It has an unpleasant smell yet tastes great!” So the age-old question arises, what does durian taste like?

Indeed, even with the entire organic product flawless, it can, in any case, be smelled from a significant distance away. If you were considering carrying your recently purchased natural product with you on the trip to Singapore, reconsider. The smell is so solid. The natural products are restricted on open vehicles and lodgings to try not to outrage your compatriot.

Where Does Durian Grow And Develop? 

The Durian fruit is a natural product from a few distinctive tree categories. There isn’t only one sort of Durian fruit. This natural product is local to Sumatra and Borneo in Indonesia.

All the trees are enormous and can develop somewhere between 160 and 75 feet tall, depending upon the kind. The leaves are evergreens.

While local to Indonesia, the fruit has developed in many subtropical and tropical regions. Some outstanding nations are Australia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia. In the United States, it may be filled in Florida and Hawaii.

More often than not, in the USA, you will discover Durian organic products in the neighborhood with an Asian general store.

What Does Durian Taste Like?

Durian has been depicted as the most incredibly putrid natural product on the planet. Its fragrance has been contrasted with crude sewage, decaying tissue and rotten rec center socks. Durian’s smell is excessively impactful such that the spiky-cleaned, custard-like organic product is even restricted from public spots in Malaysia and Singapore.

Durian is a peculiar blend of exquisite, sweet, and smooth at the same time. A durian should have unpretentious traces of chives blended in with powdered sugar. It should have a flavor like diced garlic and caramel filled whipped cream. So unwind and let the bedlam of flavors blow you away.

Picking the Right Durian 

If you mean to attempt the organic durian product interestingly, ensure it’s entirely ready. If not, you will get all the smell without the scrumptiousness. What’s more, go into your first taste with no assumptions. Newbies regularly think of what it would pose a flavor like, yet the durian is so much more that there is no other like it. It’s occasionally sweet, now and again somewhat appetizing. That is the thing that makes the durian so extraordinary.

It’s a one-of-a-kind mix of flavors in a single nibble. Since the durian has such a standing, you ought to make a point to get your natural product from a respectable vendor. Any other way, you may wind up with a seller who gives you his most exceedingly awful durian while interested in how netted out you are.

When choosing a durian to purchase, local people will initially smell it. The more grounded it is, the better it will taste! Also, what does it genuinely have an aftertaste like? People who like Durian consider it as a sweet, custard taste, as well as cheesecake. Flavors frequently credited to the durian are vanilla with Caramel.

A few natural products have a somewhat unpleasant note, along with some pleasantness. The tissue of the durian can be used either raw or cooked, and local people regularly consume in order to enhance their dishes. The natural product is likewise utilized in customary Asian medication to treat hypertension, fever, and even a love potion!

Calorie Content Of Durians

If you can change past the smell, it appears to be quite cool to get a pastry like a nibble from a tree.

Plants are solid, isn’t that so? Kind of. The durian is high in nutrients and minerals, and however, because of its high starch content, it contributes to your everyday calorie admission. Indeed, one little organic product represents half of your necessary everyday calories. It’s likewise high in fats, yet luckily, it has monounsaturated fats. Notwithstanding, specialists suggest assuming you’re a diabetic or need to shed pounds to avoid the natural product.

Durian Compared To Other Foods

Numerous food varieties have a solid smell and can be troublesome to other people: garlic, fish sauce, blue cheddar, and eggs. However, when you grow up with these food varieties as a piece of your adolescence, they appear to be ordinary to you. Also, scents like ‘stinky socks’ to other people may very well be one of your number 1 food varieties.

Those that adore the organic product say you need to isolate the smell from the natural product, which is very hard to accomplish for most. Be that as it may, consider ready cheddar. Even though it smells like stinky socks, you are probably going to, in any case, put parmesan on your pasta and even appreciate it. The equivalent with durian. Even though it smells horrific, you need to isolate the fruit before attempting it.

Durian In Yellow Lattice Packs At The Grocery Store

Heaps of times will come sacks, making the fruit simpler to convey since they are usually weighty and shrouded in exceptionally sharp spikes. Doubtlessly the store will refrigerate them every day and spot them on the available floor to be made available to customers. Those that aren’t sold will be refrigerated once more.

In the US, Durian fruits are costly. A little Durian will be sold for $18 to $15!

The Medical Advantages Of A Durian 

The organic durian product is the most healthy and nutritious organic product on the planet. They truly sneak up all of a sudden. It could likewise be delegated a supernatural product.

Every cup of the tissue contains roughly:

  • 13g Fat
  • 357 Calories
  • 4g Protein
  • 66g Carbs
  • 9g Fiber
  • The high content of Vitamin C, almost 80% of every day suggested sum.
  • There is a high content of other fundamental nutrients and minerals like Manganese, Potassium, Vitamin B6, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Folate, Copper, Niacin, and Magnesium.
  • Wealthy in sound plant compounds
  • Lessens disease hazard
  • Forestalls coronary illness
  • Brings down glucose

The organic durian product genuinely is an astoundingly solid natural product to eat.


Durian contains fragrant mixtures that give it a solid smell. Certain individuals partake in the smell, while others disdain it.

Durian’s natural product is amazingly high in sound supplements, including B nutrients, nutrient C, minerals, plant compounds, solid fats, and fiber.

In any case, the smell and taste may not be intended for everybody.